I worked on every iteration of Peloton’s brand guidelines from 2015—2022. Early on, this started as a PDF that we could share with other employees, but as the brand and company continued to grow, we needed a more robust tool to make updating the brand guidelines more seamless and to ensure everyone was viewing the utmost up-to-date version.
I worked with an external agency to develop our first brand portal website, which would house Peloton’s entire brand guidelines and important information about the brand and target consumer. The site was built with a CMS that allows us to make quick updates and whenever needed and push them live to everyone at Peloton instantly. We also stored useful brand assets like logos, icons and photography to empower employees to search for and download assets on their own.
Live Site (Requires Login Credentials): brandportal.onepeloton.com
Credits: Young Seo (Product Design), Margo Stern (Information Architecture)
Brand Assets for Employee Download
Commonly used logos, photography and icons for employees to download and use as needed
Peloton Digital Asset Manager
In addition to the core brand assets we made available for download to all employees, I led the development of a more robust DAM (digital asset manager) for Peloton’s creative team and their partners. We created this DAM to house all of Peloton’s various types of photography and videography, with each asset carefully tagged to make it easy to search for anything needed on a particular project.
To protect against accidental misuse of imagery or use of images outside of usage rights periods, we also tagged all assets with end dates so they would automatically archive after their usage rights expired, as well as appended a default watermark unless the user had the correct permissions for downloading original imagery.